The Birdie Song
The Birdie Song
According to Werner Thomas' son, "My father Werner Thomas is the composer of "The Duck's Dance," also called "Tchip-Tchip," "The Bird's Dance," "Dance de Canards," "Song of the Chicken, etc."

"The tune was composed for accordion in the 1950s in Davos, Switzerland, by Swiss accordion player Werner Thomas  when he was in his 20s. Thomas tended a flock of ducks and geese, so the tune was first named "Der Ententanz" (The Duck Dance)."

"In 1963, at age 71, Thomas played the tune in a restaurant and people started to dance to it. Sometime in the late 1970s, the song acquired the name "Vogeltanz" (bird dance) or "Vogerltanz" (Little Bird Dance or Birdie Dance), although these names never caught on seriously in Germany."

Cover: Tchip Tchip by Cash and Carry.
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Worldwide there are approximately 140 versions recorded on approximately 40 millon records. The tune and its accompanying dance became so popular in German clubs and restaurants that is has been played by virtually every "oompah" band in the world. It is known in Australia as "The Birdie Dance", in St. Louis, Missouri, as "The Ducky Dance" and around the United States as "The Bird Dance" or "The Chicken Dance".

People can be found doing the dance worldwide at polka, swing and folk dances, as well as at parties, grade schools, and sports stadiums where it is popular with marching bands.

TCHIP TCHIP was performed by CASH & CARRY (Bobby Setter & Co.) on the 1973 novelty record.

The B side was "Who needs Money?"

CANNON RECORDS Can 3035 Composed by Werner Thomas. Arranged by John F. Edmunds. Lyrics by Terry Rendall.

  Click the play button for a sound bite. 
TCHIP TCHIP Recorded on EMI 2125 by CASH & CARRY with Bobby Setter & Co.

Valentine Music Group Ltd Keyboard: Bobby Setter. Drums: Marc. Guitars: Johnny & Roger (back), Freddy (front).

Sheet music: TCHIP TCHIP.
The Birdie Song by The Tweets
The 1981 version of The Birdie Song, performed by The Tweets.


La danse des canards
1 - C'est la danse des canards
Qui en sortant de la mare
Se secouent le bas des reins
Et font coin-coin
Fait's comme les petits canards
Et pour que tout l'monde se marre
Remuez le popotin
En f'sant coin-coin
A présent claquez du bec
En secouant vos plumes, avec
Avec beaucoup plus d'entrain
Et des coin-coin
Allez mettez-en un coup
Maintenant pliez les g'noux
2 - C'est la danse des canards
Les gamins comme les loubards
Vont danser ce gai refrain
Dans tous les coins
Ne soyez pas en retard
Car la danse des canards
C'est le tube de demain
Coin-coin, coin-coin
Il suffit d'fermer le bec
En mettant ses plumes au sec
Pliez les genoux c'est bien
Et faites coin-coin
Ca y est vous avez compris
Attention c'n'est pas fini
Nous allons jusqu'au matin
Faire des coin-coin
3 - C'est la danse des canards
Qui en sortant de la mare
Se secouent le bas des reins
Et font coin-coin
A présent claquez du bec
En secouant vos plumes avec
Avec beaucoup d'entrain
Et des coin-coin
C'est la danse des canards
C'est dément et c'est bizarre
C'est terribilos comm' tout
C'est dingue, c'est tout
Allez mettez-en un coup
On s'amus' comm' des p'tits fous
Maintenant pliez les g'noux
4 - C'est la danse des canards
Qui en sortant de la mare
Se secouent le bas des reins
Et font coin-coin
Fait's comm' les petits canards
Et pour que tout l' monde se marre
Remuez le popotin
En f'sant coin-coin
C'est la danse des canards
Les gamins comm' les loubards
Vont danser ce gai refrain
Dans tous les coins
Ne soyez pas en retard
Car c'est la danse des canards
C'est le tube de demain
Coin-coin coin-coin

(Et c'est la fin).
Refrain (x2)

Tournez c'est la fête
Bras dessus-dessous
Comm' des girouettes
C'est super chouette
C'est extra-fou...
Refrain (x2)

Tournez c'est la fête
Bras dessus-dessous
Comm' des girouettes
C'est super chouette
C'est extra-fou...

Links [automatic Midi download.]

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All logos and trade marks are the property of their respective owners and are used on the Light Straw site(s) for review only. Students and researchers are recommended to make their own independent enquiries as to the accuracy of the information contained therein.